For our fourth lab, we had to create a website based on some images we liked. I made the background of my website a pale lavender color, and colored my heading in a turuoise green color with a pale turquoise background color. I then decided to put the smaller headings in a deep purple color, with a pale pinkish purple background, and the ordered lists in a medium purple color.
Click here.
For our fifth lab, we had to create a website that would show a little bit of information about us and our favorite hobbies along with a small description of it. I decided to make my website's background green and the headings "About me" and "Sites I frequently visit" in a purpulish blue color and in cursive. I also chose the color purple for the heading "Hobbies" and a light lavender background color. While most of the writing is a dark green color, the paragraph under the hobbies heading is bright blue and the linked words in the unordered list are red.
Click here.
This link takes you to the middle of the web page containing the Latin text.